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The United Nations of Europe


Candidats for a function as member of Government don’t have to be member of a political party!

50% of the 500 members can be non political candidates chosen for their competence!


Decisions are voted for and accepted by a majority of 75%!


There have to be a number of candidats 500 maximum, equaly divided between men and women, evenly divided between the member states of the Union!


The member states are organised as federal states (example Germany) but have to accept the decisions taken by the Union!


The Union government is responsible, and vote for the direction of the bank responsible for the protection of the eurozone, and the actions taken by the bank! Union members have to follow financial directions and are responsible for controling the finances in their own federal states!


One army for the Union, has to be financed by the Union with the money from the member states!

The army of the Union is a part of the NATO! All military material has to be produced in the Union when financed by the Union!


The Union vote for the representants for the United Nations, and the representant for the security counsel!


Europol has to be organised and working with the help of all the member states, information and actions against organised crimes and terrorisme are based on working together!

A court of justice, every member state nominate a judge, who hold his/her function for maximum 2 mandates of 4 years!


Social security, healthcare, tax and income for the citizens of the union have to be on the same level before a member state is accepted in the Union!